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發(fā)布時間:2013-12-17 09:38:12     來源:微測生物     點擊量:

      孕婦的疾病檢測一直是醫(yī)學檢驗的一個難題。例如醫(yī)生在臨床很難區(qū)分孕婦高血壓和子癇前癥的區(qū)別。而子癇前癥如果不能及時發(fā)現(xiàn)會造成孕婦器官損傷和胎兒并發(fā)癥。現(xiàn)在研究人員發(fā)現(xiàn)一種新的生物標記物有望解決這一難題。倫敦大學國王學院的研究人員發(fā)現(xiàn)孕婦體內(nèi)的PlGF(placental growth factor)蛋白和其患子癇前癥風險有關(guān)。這項有625名孕婦參與的研究顯示PIGF水平越低,孕婦患有該病風險越大。
      In diagnosing pregnant women, doctors often struggle to tell the difference between run-of-the-mill high blood pressure and preeclampsia, a severe form of the ailment that can lead to organ damage and fetal complications. Now, a new biomarker has shown promise to better predict which women are at risk for the disease, lighting the way for early intervention and better outcomes.
       In a study of 625 pregnant women published in Circulation, researchers at London's King's College discovered that low levels of the protein placental growth factor (PlGF) correlated with the development of preeclampsia, and a decline in PlGF led to an increased risk for premature delivery, pointing to an effective diagnostic.
       To date, preeclampsia tests have been able only to detect whether a patient has already developed the disease, King's College's Lucy Chappell said, often providing results after the onset of symptoms like damage to the kidneys, liver and brain.
       "The test identifies women at high risk for developing preeclampsia, so doctors can better monitor and treat the blood pressure," Chappell said in a statement. "It also prevents unnecessary hospitalizations of those who are not likely to develop preeclampsia."
        Chappell and her colleagues believe tracking PlGF could help steer treatment of high-risk patients and better rule out women with basic hypertension, but the researchers recommend further study to determine how changing diagnostic and treatment methods affect the health of mothers and babies.
       On the commercial side, Alere ($ALR) has developed a PlGF measuring test, called Triage, and is in the midst of the FDA process.

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